
项目对项目协议是一种衔接协议,推荐哈德逊山谷社区学院的特定专业转入转学机构的平行项目. 有时两所学校的专业名称是一样的.g.从工商管理到工商管理),而专业的名称往往不同(如工商管理).g.从文科到心理学). 在大多数情况下,项目对项目协议允许学生以初级身份转学.

以下是与推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜有项目对项目协议的机构. 请记住,协议是不断更新的,并且可能会发生变化. 请联系职业和转学中心或您的学术部门主席了解更多详细信息.

Important Note: 任何专业的任何学生都有可能转到四年制大学. 然而,我们的许多课程都是专门为转学而设计的. 如果您感兴趣的哈德逊山谷社区学院项目不在此列表中, 这仅仅意味着我们没有为那个项目正式建立任何项目间的协议, at this time.

Accounting (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany
  • Champlain College
  • Excelsior College
  • 麻省文理学院*
  • Siena College

Addictions Counseling (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Architectural Technology (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • Alfred State College
  • 佛蒙特技术学院

Biological Sciences (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany
  • St. John Fisher University

Biotechnology (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • University at Albany
  • 奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院
  • Sage College of Albany

Biotechnology (Certificate)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • University at Albany

Business Administration (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
  • Castleton State College
  • Champlain College
  • 麻省文理学院*
  • Russell Sage College
  • St. John Fisher University

Business Administration (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany
  • CUNY
    • Staten Island
  • Champlain College 
  • Excelsior College
  • 麻省文理学院*
  • Russell Sage College
  • St. John Fisher University


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Potsdam
    • University at Albany
  • Excelsior College
  • Maria College
  • Russell Sage College


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Empire State College
  • Excelsior College

计算机信息系统 & 网络管理轨道(A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany
  • Excelsior College
  • 罗切斯特理工学院
  • St. John Fisher University


  • SUNY
    • Alfred State College
    • SUNY Delhi

Criminal Justice (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • University at Albany
  • Hilbert College
  • Norwich University
  • St. John Fisher University

Criminal Justice (A.A.S.)

  • CUNY
    • 约翰·杰伊刑事司法学院*
  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • University at Albany
  • Hilbert College
  • Norwich University

Dental Hygiene (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • 纽约州立大学法明代尔分校
  • 佛蒙特技术学院
  • Wichita State University


  • SUNY
    • 纽约州立大学北部医科大学

Digital Media (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • SUNY Oneonta
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
  • Montserrat College of Art
  • Russell Sage College

Early Childhood (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
  • 麻省文理学院*
  • Russell Sage College


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute


  • Excelsior College

Engineering Science (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • Binghamton University
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany
  • Clarkson University
  • 伦斯勒理工学院
  • Siena College

Entrepreneurship (A.A.S.)

  •  SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
  • Russell Sage College 

Environmental Science (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • 纽约州立大学环境科学与林业学院
  • 麻省文理学院

Exercise Science (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cortland
  • Sage College of Albany
  • 罗切斯特理工学院

Fine Arts (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • Purchase College
    • University at Albany
  • 新英格兰艺术学院
  • Maine College of Art (MECA)
  • 麻省文理学院*
  • Montserrat College of Art

Forensic Science Studies (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • University at Albany
  • Hilbert College


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
  • 罗切斯特理工学院
  • Russell Sage College


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Honors College

  • Clarkson University
  • 伊丽莎白市立大学
  • Syracuse University
  • UMass Boston

Human Services (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cortland*
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany
  • Excelsior College
  • 麻省文理学院*

Individual Studies (A.A.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Individual Studies (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
  • St. John Fisher University


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY New Paltz
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany
  • Siena College
  • St. John Fisher University

Liberal Arts & 科学-青少年教育(教师教育转移.S.)

  • St. John Fisher University


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
  • St. John Fisher University


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill

Marketing (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cobleskill
    • SUNY Plattsburgh
    • University at Albany
  • Castleton State College
  • Champlain College
  • 麻省文理学院*
  • Russell Sage College


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
  • 罗切斯特理工学院
  • Siena College

Nursing (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Canton
    • SUNY Delhi
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute 
    • 纽约州立大学北部医科大学
  • Aspen University
  • Excelsior College
  • Maria College
  • Russell Sage College
  • Siena College
  • St. John Fisher University
  • Utica College

Paramedic (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College

Physical Education (A.A.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Cortland
  • Russell Sage College

Physical Sciences (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • University at Albany
  • St. John Fisher University


  • Siena College

Polysomnography (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College

Psychology (A.A.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
  • Clarkson University
  • Maria College


  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • SUNY Polytechnic Institute
    • University at Albany
  • CUNY
    • 约翰·杰伊刑事司法学院
  • Sage College of Albany

Radiologic Technology (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College
    • Upstate Medical University

Respiratory Care (A.A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • SUNY Empire State College
  • University of Cincinnati

Theatre Arts (A.S.)

  • SUNY
    • University at Albany


*Under review or revision

**请注意,完成本课程的学士学位需要四个以上的额外学期. 更多信息请参见职业和转学中心.

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Regular Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
夏季2024小时(5月20日至7月26日): Monday – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed